concourse 7.10.0
2022-10-18 | #cicd #lang/go #type/cli #type/daemon
Container-based continuous thing-doer
2022-10-18 | #cicd #lang/go #type/cli #type/daemon
Container-based continuous thing-doer
2022-09-02 | #kubernetes #lang/go #type/cli
Write tests against structured configuration data
2022-09-02 | #container/runtime #lang/c #org/redhat #standard/oci #type/cli
OCI container runtime monitor
2022-08-10 | #container/runtime #lang/go #org/cncf #org/containerd #standard/cri #standard/oci #type/cli #type/daemon
Open and reliable container runtime
2022-09-02 | #org/redhat #type/configuration
Location for shared common files in repos
2022-09-02 | #category/security #lang/go #type/daemon
Launch containers on demand
2022-09-02 | #category/security #cicd #container/sign #lang/go #type/cli
Container Signing
2022-09-02 | #container/image #container/registry #lang/go #org/google #standard/oci #type/cli
Go library and CLIs for working with container registries
2022-09-02 | #container/runtime #kubernetes #lang/go #org/mirantis #standard/cri #standard/docker #type/daemon
Shim for Docker Engine that lets you control Docker via the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface